Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Vestiesteam Challange

Today, I created a treasury for the vestiesteam challange.  I created it because this time of year reminds me of canning.  As a little girl, I would get to help can tomatoes, corn and apples.  It was hot, but fun.  Now that I am all grown up and live in an one of the few parts of Iowa with poor soil, I don't have a garden.  To get berries and apples, I go to the Berry Patch Farm near Nevada, Iowa.  For tomatoes, I go to Granger and buy from a "pick your own" Amish farm.  I still love to can.  There is a huge sense of pride at looking into a jar of something you know you did yourself and how wonderful it will taste in the dead of winter. 

This Saturday, I will be going to the Berry Patch Farm and picking blueberries and raspberries.  My father expects jam for Christmas and his birthday.  I will not disappoint.  He hoards it through the winter so he has enough until I make it again for him the next summer.  I love that about him.  He brags to his buddies about his daughters jam.  I am proud of that.

Here is the treasury:

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